The Bands Who Played at the Green's and Apollo

We are trying to create a definitive list of all the bands that played at the Green's/Apollo and to provide dates, ticket stubs, reviews and setlists. If you can add to our list or spot an error please let us know.
Just click on the year you want to see gigs for, or if you are brave you can see all of the gigs we currently have by clicking the "All" link.
Any pictures, ticket stub scans, press clippings etc from the Green's/Apollo would be much appreciated, please send us an email.
The image on this page is from an AC/DC concert at the Apollo in October 1979. Are you in the picture? If so we'd love to hear from you.
At last part of the mystery has been solved. We have been contacted by one of our readers Mark Fletcher and he writes "That's me centre of front 3 at the AC/DC concert, with my mates 2nd from left Gordon Bone; 3rd left Ian Campbell; 4th left me; 5th left Steven Lawrence".
Thanks Mark, brilliant stuff.