Andy Muir

My first experience of the Apollo was attending a Wings concert when I was 11 or 12 with my dad. My memory of the gig is pretty clear (ie no beer!) and I especially remember the pipe band and the guy next to me doing a funny dance. I later realized that the chap was head banging and playing air guitar!
Like Scott, I went to many gigs at the Apollo, and I have a stash of ticket stubs hidden away in a loft in Scotland, I think one is even autographed by Steve Harris of Iron Maiden.
For me Thin Lizzy's 1983 gig was the stand out Apollo gig. I can still see Phil Lynott on stage, with the mirrors on his bass guitar shouting "Are you out there Glasgow? We need your helping hands".
I am responsible for how this site works and looks. Please bug Scott about the site as he is the main instigator and has given me free reign to do what i want; me airse.
I now live in Sydney Australia where I don't get to see as many bands as I'd like, my three kids and partner conspire to keep me at home most nights. Anyway, enough of this, back to work!