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Comments on Lynyrd Skynyrd [reply]
I never saw Skynyrd at the Apollo.

However, I have interviewed the band, and know that they loved playing there.
I saw the band play the Apollo supporting Thin Lizzy, must have been around 74-75. I believe this was their first UK tour. They literally blew Thin Lizzy off the stage and were called back for several encores. Absolutely amazing night. [reply]
Absolute bollocks walter.

The first time Lizzy played the Apollo was 30th October 1976 when they headlined, with Clover supporting.
Clover (Huey Lewis' band) were okay, but never, never near, threatened Lizzy's performance.

Please post fact, not fiction ...

Phil O
Absoulete nonesense, I seen all of the Skynyrd Gigs in the Apollo and Lizzy never supported Lizzy.

Skynyrd only did one support tour in Europe, which was Golden Earing, After that they headlined.
I ment off course Skynyrd, it's 4.25 am and I am knackered.LOL [reply]
i was lucky enought to catch Lynyrd Skynyrd on many occasions at the apollo, but there support slot on the Golden Earring tour,which i believe was the bands first appearance in glasgow on the 14/11/74, was awesome,meeting the band was a bonus for over half an hour we chatted to them all (except allen collins he was not there at the time i believe he was in the upstairs dressing room) , they were great gave us t-shirts,drumsticks and autographed anything we gave them,we were asked to leave when the weekly music paper "sounds" wanted to take pictures and do interview. ronnie wished us well and off we went back into the hall. we left during the Golden Earring set and met Leon Wilkinson standing at renfield lane,he autographed my ticket
(check ticket stub)and gave his 10 gallon hat to my mate.the rest of the band appeared and they all got into the tour bus.still have one of the t-shirts and drum stick to this day, sadly the rest has disappeared..a truly memorable gig....
Saw Skynyrd with 2 guitarists in 76... they denigrate that period, but they were tight (check out SHA on the bootleg Cardiff Peaches, recorded in the previous November). There is a bootleg of the Apollo gig floating about, but the Apollo choir were louder than the band.....
They played 2 nights in Feb 77, and a few of us got invited to the North British Hotel on George Square to meet them (Paula, of the Aprreciation Society - where are you now?)... Gary and Allen didn't want to be there, but the rest of the band couldn't have been nicer - Leon was a gentleman, Billy had the driest sense of humour, and Steve just wanted to talk about music. My main memory is of JoJo (the buxom backing singer) taking me under her wing, and ensuring I got the chance to talk to everyone.
The gigs, it goes without saying, were a couple of the best they ever did - does anyone have a recording?
I was lucky enough to see both gigs on the 9th & 10th Feb. '77 and the band were  white hot.
Being a 'Skynyrd fan both gigs seemed to flash past but I remember being at the front of the stalls on the second night, going nuts no doubt, and Allen Collins leaning over the stage and giving me the thumbs up. He must have thought I was a looney and took some pity on me. I really wish I was as lucky as some of the guuys and actually met the band 'cause that was the last time I saw the band at their peak and enjoying every minute of it. I remember Ronnie Van Zant on the second night holding something up and saying 'thank you Glasgow, look what they gave us" it appeared to be a small trophy of some kind, anyone know what it was? I saw the reformed, revamped  'Skynyrd at the SECC last year on a joint tour with Deep Purple. As much as I like 'Purple it seemed to me they went through the motions, I saw them  a couple of times and also the Ian Gillan band way back and this show was a parody, in my opinion, of headier days for the band.
'Skynyrd even with all the changes stll had an edge to their live performance, they looked like they enjoyed themselves and this came across on stage. It was great to see Gary Rossington and Billy Powel as large as life and still 'flyin' high' on stage.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has recordings of any of the Glasgow gigs from the 70's..thanks
WELCOME TO THE "ROCK -N- ROLL HALL OF FAME" skynyrd ya'll are long over due. cheers your #1 fan, jimmy smith [reply]
Skynyrd on 1.11.75.  I think they opened with 'Double Trouble.'  After they finished the first number, Ronnie van Zandt noticed that someone had draped the Confederate flag over the balcony.  He shouted 'They've got the Johnnie Reb up there,' and he looked like a dog with two tails.  I was in the front row.  I'm sure they did another gig later that month. [reply]
The above actually refers to the gig on 13th Feb 2006.  I was at both the Nov 1st and 13th Feb gigs.  I've done some thinking about it and I know I was at the front at the second gig.  the played 'Freebird' as well. ASR [reply]
support band was Sutherland bros.and Quiver wasn't the flag in 1 of the boxes?I remember Ronnie Van Zant saying he played to crowds of 10.000 in the states who didn't make as much noise as we did!Freebird with someone swinging the glitterball they were just on fire.1st time i'd heard "Cry for the Badman"live [reply]
The second gig (Feb 76) was the Steve Gibbons Band.  The flag may have been hung from a box! I can remember Ronnie Van Zandt's boots as they were just at my eye level, and I spent most of the gig seriously coveting Gary Rossington's jacket. [reply]
I'm replying to myself again.  I've been giving this a lot of thought and want to say what my impressions of the band were on the night of 13th Feb 1976.  Ronnie Van Zandt was very polite and gracious.  He treated the Apollo audience with a lot of respect.  The rest of the band played with so much commitment, it was obvious that their full focus was on their music, which was authentic, and came from their DNA as much as their hearts.  There were no show-offs in that band, no fashion icons, and no nonsense.  Their timing was perfect from the first note to the last, they never played a wrong note, and Ronnie was obviously the musical director. No wonder they went down so well in Glasgow, they were so down to earth.  A friend of mine then, well kennt and well respected Glasgow musician and singer Robbie Paterson, loaned me a Skynyrd album and that was the start, I've been a fan ever since.  I just took out 'Street Survivors' for the first time since 1977 and played it, it's been lying unplayed in my record collection since then.  I'll never forget that night in '76 and I wish I could go back and live it again.  ASR [reply]
Hiyuh! If your friend Robbie Paterson was the guy who was the singer in the Khyber Trifles, I had a pint with him a few weeks ago. The Khybers played the Curlers and the Maggie every Saturday and covered a few Skynrd numbers. The first time I heard "Sweet Home Alabama" Robbie was singing it. [reply]
Yes, that's the very same Robbie.  The last time I heard of him he was in London, about 1980.  Robbie's about the only person that could sing 'Sweet Home Alabama' apart from RVZ.  I hope he's still singing, because he's brilliant.  I've got photographs of the Khybers that I took in the Maggie.  You can see the nets that used to hang up there!  Thanks for the information Mick, and say hello to Robbie from me.  He'll remember me as Sheena. This is getting like Friends Reunited!    ASR [reply]
Anne, by a spectacular coincidence someone has just put up a Khybers website - literally a couple of days ago. It is at*xx*
It is cheap and cheerful but there is a short video of Robbie singing with the band. I'm sure the guy hosting the website would be delighted to see your pictures of the Maggie. All the best, Mick
I am about to launch a Lynyrd Skynyrd UK & Europe website and wondered if any of you would like to share your APOLLO memories on the site.
I am including a page with details for all their European tour dates and I'm adding bits about the gigs I get info on.
Let me know if you can help, mail me at
Many Thanks
I just found the programmme for the Apollo gig with the steve gibbons band.  I thought I'd lost it.  there's a lot of information in it about both bands.  ASR [reply]
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