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And then he walked along the edge of the Circle

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They are the Best [reply]
Only saw them in '80 with Dio and Girlschool as support but always remember the size of Bill Ward's drum kit - humongous it was! Brilliant gig though. [reply]
Saw the Sabs in 78 with the mighty Van Halen as support, did they blow the Sabs off,Nah as good as Van Halen were Sabbath stole the night. Ozzy during Paranoid proclaiming that he was "Gonna kiss this effin stage"which he then did, crowd went berserk. Then he took off his shirt threw it in the audience it landed on me with about 500 hundred other people, still have the sleeve with the tassle's to this day.
Saw them with Dio in 80 but you could tell they needed Ozzy. Still a good gig though.
Steve Hall
in reply to steve hall i also agree about black sabbath concerts at the apollo they where great,when ronnie james dio was the singer with sabbath i managed to get ronnie james dio & tony immoi autographs as well [reply]
Can't remember if it was with Van halen or Nutz supporting but during a 'Sabs song break the Apollo crowd started up a "Sabbath" chant and I remember the look on Ossie's face.... "King of the World!"

Met Ossie briefly pre-gig that night....what a small bloke he is...and he was wearing platform shoes....
The one and only time I managed to see the Sabs was the Van Halen gig. I have to disagree Van Halen did blow Sabbath off the stage.Sabs by that time were beginning to become a tired bunch. One memory was of Eddie Van Halen turning his back on the audience during Eruption which prompted many to think he wasn't playing as no-one could believe how good he was. Who could forget his Rocket Stack of amps. Magic! [reply]
yes andy BLACK SABBATH are the best that is why they are now in the ROCK -N-ROLL HALL OF FAME great, cheers jimmy [reply]
What a magic nite, I was only 14 at the time when a guy along the road said he had a spare ticket for the Sabbath GiG..did I want to go....(hhmm let me think about it)....I think it was a thursday nite, and I had school the next day..Big event going to Glasgow from Alexandria at that age, what a gig..i had never been to anything like it, i had only just got into sabbath, had Black Sabbath and SBS albums, and had never heard of van loud, can still remember the Bomb amp and I remember that they had some tech probs during the gig...apparently someone had to get something from McCormicks music shop when there amp blew  up (prob a bull ****** story)...Van Halen were incredibly energetic and Sabbath were totally enigmatic, how could you fail with Ozzie as your frontman..always loved his frilly jacket..even as I type this the memories come flooding back, just how friggin loud it was, Bill ward with no top on sweating like a pig, Ozzie with the fingers in the usual V shape with arms outstretched...the upper circle was bouncing...

What a magic experience for a first gig...Ps, in school the next day (St patricks Dumbarton) I picked up a plectrum which was lying in a science class, stuck it in my pocket, and never gave it a thought, till 20 minutes later a guy came crashing through the class door, apologised to the teacher and asked if anyone had picked up a plectrum..I owned up...guess whos fkn plectrum it was..yup  eddie Van turns out the guy was at the same gig the nite before and EVH had lobbed his plectrum out and this guy caught was either kenny Hughes or Stephen Conroy (the artist) both from renton..

Great memories

Stuart Barriskell
15th May 1980. Seem to remember crowd chanting for OZZY before band came on stage? Cracking gig though. [reply]
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