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And then he walked along the edge of the Circle

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Comments on Elvis Costello and The Attractions [reply]
Ah, memories. Elvis’ gig at the Apollo on 12.01.79 was my first visit to the Apollo and my first gig proper. I see someone has provided a set list for Elvis' headlining stint - of course this was a fabulous 3-for-1 package also featuring John Cooper Clarke and Richard Hell and the Void-Oids. Anyway, I'm not 100 percent  sure, but I always thought Goon Squad was the set opener not Watching the Detectives. Nit-picking aside I would love to hear from anyone else who was at the gig. At the time I knew next to nothing about the Void-Oids and remember even less from the gig. Pity, as I've since discovered they were quite an important band in the New York punk scene. I do remember John Cooper Clarke doing an unaccompanied 'punk poetry' set. This was politely received by a largely open-minded 'new wave' audience, which I believe was not always the case when he supported some other more established acts at the time. [reply]
I remember that because of the bad weather that day, the band's lighting truck had apparently got stuck somewhere on the motorway or something and that the gig was late in starting.  So there was only a very basic stage lighting for Elvis Costello.  They did however have the wit to use just the single red spot for 'RED SHOES' and a green spot for another song with 'GREEN' in the title which escapes me at the moment.  For me the simple lighting - starkly lighting the massive stage -  mostly just a few white spots, added to the gig atmosphere rather than took something away. [reply]
Was that the night that Elvis got a bit nipped that everyone was quiet and he said that he would only come back to a place where people could dance.

Sure enough next time he was in town it was upstairs at Satellite city.
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