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Comments on Bon Jovi [reply]
I saw them supporting Kiss on one of the make up free gigs.They had a very basic set up onstage and im sure i remember Richie Sambora even wheeling his own amp stack onstage too. Stack was still in the bottom part of a wheeled flightcase too.What a sad thing to remember eh?
Jon had all the scarves tied around and the fluffy hair in those days. Absolutely NOT my kind of thing at the time,but they were really good that night.Standout track i remembered was"Runaway". Still a good track today i think.
Cant be annoyed with them though,and they fall strictly into that dreaded category of" bands your girlfriend likes"!
By the way,,,YES,,i DID get in for nothin!
They went down pretty well.
I remember Tom Russell plugging "Runaway" like mad.  We went to the show en-mass as normal - remember "Hearts" mini bus from Carluke lads?.  Got to the show and on came Bon Jovi.  I remember thinkng they were pretty good and when they played "Runaway" the place really rocked. I can't recall if it was after or before the Apollo show, but we all went to Kelvingrove that year to see Glasgow and Chaser.  Do I really remember Mr Bon Jovi joining Glasgow on the stage? [reply]
I do remember Tom Russell plugging 'Runaway'and on that strength i did buy the album which was ok. I thought they were poor when they supported Kiss in 1983, thought Sambora was a Van Halen clone(he did all Eddies poses to a tee).
remember they came up to the Venue after the gig and we were all up givin it plenty to Priest, ZZ etc. Sat with David 'Rashbaum'Bryant most of the night(wonder why he changed his name?). Not sure if thats the same night their van broke down outside Radio Clyde studios in Anderston after Tom interveiwed them. Happy days....
Bon Jovi joining Chasar and Glasgow at Kelvingrove!! are you mad! hee! I was at that Kelvingrove concert and think I would remember that! Do you remember the girls with the letters of Glasgow on their knickers and they turned their backs and flashed their bums one by one till it read GLASGOW hee! hee! might not have been the same year but Glasgow did do that!!
After supporting Kiss, Bon Jovi did drink in the Venue as I only had one picture in my camera film and I wanted a piccy of Jon and the keyboard player chased me to take a piccy of me and him and I ran away from him till I found Jon and Hamie (Heavy Pettin) and stood next to Jon Bon Jovi and had a drink after he signed my Jeans!! Wee! hee! He is a tiny bloke..
He really liked the Venue and said they didn't have clubs like that in the states. I presume he meant clubs that let school girls in. A well spoken young man  one might say. [reply]
Olde Tom had Runaway on loop week in, week out!

They went down really well I thought; a bold move by KISS. I followed most of the UK tour and met them a few times, they really were decent guys.

If my gin soaked memory serves me correctly they headlined in Edina the following year, with Lee Aaron supporting [swoon], and played to about 300 folk!

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