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Comments on Chou Pahrot [reply]
Never saw them myself but a guy I worked with gave me a copy of the Single "Lemons "(For your face)b-side "Gwisgweela Gwamfnu" The Singer wore a wedding dress and had an old mans mask on .
They would have suited the student types who like a wee puff if you know what I mean ;)
Best band ever to have come out of Scotland, never mind Paisley. A never saw them at the apollo but I was a big fan and saw them in smaller venues around Dumbarton and Glasgow. The Maltings in Duntocher, The Ben in Balloch, and I also was at the concert they recorded their live album at Glasgow Film Theatre.
I remember seeing a revue in Sounds of a support slot they did at The Apollo (don't remember who for). If my memory serves me right, they were a last minute booking and went down a storm (with the reviewer anyway).
A few years after they seemed to disappear, I remember seeing Monica at a Rolling Stones Concert at the Apollo
The support slot they did was at the Rezillos final gig where they replaced the Undertones at the last minute. I had never heard them before then, although I had heard of them. They were absolutely brilliant that night; the music was weird and the lyrics were even weirder. Some night [reply]
They really were the best Scottish band ever. My pals and I followed them all over the ship, and Christ knows how many times I must have seen them - I lost count at 120! Anyway, their support slot for The Rezillos was a fantastic night all round. We didn't know they were going to be there, but we spotted their rancid white Leyland van in the alley next to the Apollo when we were queuing, and that was it - joy unconfined. My abiding memory of it is standing in a row behind a group of hardened punks, all of whom had their fingers in their ears during the white noise coda of The Broon Hee Haw... Magic days... [reply]
The Pahrots were the most original and innovative band that ever hailed from Scotland, and a welcome alternative to the endless succession of pop and rock wannabees that were spewed out at that time. Jazzpunk classical musicians with a sense of the ridiculous

Chou Pahrot were:

Eggy Beard-Violin /Monica Zarb- Bass, vocal / Mama Voot-Guitar, sax, vocal /Fish Feathers McTeeth-Drums.

I was a HUGE fan for many years, and did the photography and artwork for their posters and record sleeve.
Buzgo Tram Chorus (Klub K.E.P.101)
Chou Pahrot Live (Klub LP)

I was also the onstage, wedding-dressed, rubber-masked, doppelganger of Mama Voot(Tony) at several gigs; including the GFT gig(on album) and at the Kelvingrove park gig ... where I was gubbed by a thrown bottle, and covered in blood under my "Old Man" mask. An absolute honour!

They were an inspiration to a generation of up-and-coming Glasgow musicians like maself, and should have a statue of a horse's head erected in their honour, somewhere in Woodlands Road

"Lemons for your face - Sitting on the sideboard!"
I agree, Chou Pahrot were/are the BEST Scottish band ever.

I have the live record here with me in the USA, there were a lot of things I should have brought but that was one thing I just HAD to bring with me!  I also just came across the LIVE album on line for download!

It sounds as good if not better than it did that wonderful night in the GFT

I will NEVER forget the night John Peel (RIP)played Buzgo Tram Chorus on his show one night!

If anyone has an MP3 copy of Buzgo Tram Chorus I would be VERY grateful fpr a copy, I have the EP but somehow it melted and I have not been able to hear it for years now. I play it on Guitar so it's not so bad!

Hey my pal (And yours) Tom Russell said he is going to try to find the EP and play it this Friday (maybe) on his L O N G running Friday rock show, now on 96.3FM Rock Radio!

Also have a look at YouTube*xx* for some footage of a Kelvingrove park Radio Clyde gig. No Chou Pahrot but I think they may have been on the bill!

First time I seen them was there, the music started before they came on stage, then BANG! There they were in their wedding dresses and full masks!

I have never been quite the same! They blew my socks off!

Sadly I seen them there again many years later where drunken neds faking they were into music booed them off the stage!!!!!!!!!!

Bottles were flying and a girl beside me got hit on the nut!  We had to leave and I later heard that the police read the riot act that day!

very sad.

But the music will NEVER die!

Again if anyone has an MP3 of the Buzgo EP I would be eternally grateful! I am stuck here in the US and this really would make my year!\

Rock On!  Scotland the BRAVE!
Forgot to mention one of the nights I seem tham play at the Burns Houffe (Spelling maybe wrong)

Anyway they were playing away (Buzgo I think) then they all swapped instuments, they did this 2-3 times. During the guitar solo the player went into the gents toilet. The music never stopped, it was PERFECT thoughout! They were VERY VERY talented.

I wish there was a web site to celebrate this classic band......
OK, started a tribute page to the band at the below


Will switch it over to the below as soon as I get the content ect.

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